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🦟 Zika virus that came to in Bengaluru..

🔍 Zika virus was detected in Chikkaballapur near Bengaluru. Doctors say that it spreads through mosquitoes. 🏥🦠

Residents of this area have been suffering from severe fever for some time now. 🤒🏡 To investigate the reasons for this, the mosquitoes there were sent to the lab for testing in August this year. 📚🦠 The Zika virus was identified in the research conducted there. 🧫🧪 Experts say that this virus is spread by mosquitoes and then transmitted to humans by their bites. 🌡💉 The police and high officials have imposed restrictions in the area of about five kilometers where this virus has spread. 🚓🌏 Warnings have been issued not to let new people coming from outside into the areas where the disease is severe and those living inside should not be sent out. 🚨🏠

Around 100 samples were collected across the state. 🕵️📊 Six of them were identified as belonging to Chikkaballapur. ✅🦠 Five of them have tested negative and one has tested positive, the officials of the district health department have revealed. 📋💊 Dr. S Mahesh said that as three more people had high fever, their samples were also sent to the lab. 💉👨‍⚕️ A mosquito drive was conducted across the state and the results came on October 25 that there were Zika virus mosquitoes in Chikkaballapur. 🗓️🦟 Mosquitoes that carry the Zika virus are called Aedes mosquitoes. 🐜💉 The Zika virus is spread by the bite of this Aedes mosquito. 🌏🏥 This has alerted the state government. 🚫👥 issued guidelines to undertake necessary relief measures. 🆘🌐 Meanwhile, in Maharashtra too, the Zika virus has spread to an old man. 🌐🏠


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