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📺 WhatsApp is following YouTube. It has also brought that feature..📱

🌐 WhatsApp is a trend setter in the tech world. It is no exaggeration to say that this messaging app owned by Meta is a global leader. 🌍

Not only messaging but also status, audio, video calls and recently introduced WhatsApp channel are introduced to the users and are getting their attention. 📲

📢 Also taking feedback from users from time to time.. WhatsApp is adding latest technology to the app. 🚀 In the same order, it seems that a new feature is being introduced in WhatsApp which will make WhatsApp super. 🌟 Play block control option in same videos. 🎬 It means you can forward and reverse the video you are watching. 🔄 You can play the video in the app. 🎥 Or you can pause. 📝 You can also do anything forward backward word. 📄 If this feature becomes fully available, there is a possibility that WhatsApp will become another YouTube for you. 🌠 WhatsApp is currently testing this new feature. 🧐 This feature is currently available for WhatsApp beta testers on Android phones. 📲 If the test is successful it will be available to all. 🎉


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