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🌿 Try this home remedy, sore throat will go away..!

🌦️ Changing weather often affects our throat. It causes problems like cold, cough, cold, sore throat. 👃💧 When the throat hurts, there is difficulty in both speaking and eating. 😷

🌿 This problem affects in many ways. But medical experts say there is no need to panic. Experts say you can get rid of it with some home remedies.

🌱 Gargling with a mixture of turmeric, salt and water will reduce sore throat. Turmeric also has many medicinal properties. Turmeric is effective in many health problems. 🌿 Turmeric salt and water mixture is the best remedy for sore throat, cold and cough. 🍵

🌿 Triphala is an Ayurvedic medicinal plant. Triphala works effectively in sore throat, cough and cold. 🍃 It still works as a remedy if suffering from tonsillitis. There is no problem in trying this home remedy. 🌿

🌿 Many people have a Tulsi tree in their homes. Basil is not inferior to any medicine. In fact, this plant has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. It benefits the throat. Boil basil leaves in water and gargle with that water. 🌿🌱🪴


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