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🌱 These fruits will keep you forever young... 💃

A balanced diet should include whole grains, healthy fats, fiber and antioxidants. 🌾 Eating these daily in their diet can maintain the beauty of the skin. 🌸 These are the fruits that prevent wrinkles on the skin... 🍇 Blueberry works as a superfood for skin care. 🌟 This fruit is full of vitamins and antioxidants. 🌈 These fight free radicals. 💪

💧 Even if the price is high, you have to eat avocado every day. 🌞 This fruit contains vitamin E. It protects the skin from oxidative damage. 💦 Vitamin C is high. It increases collagen production. 🏥 Eating avocado keeps skin glowing forever.

🌿 It is very important to use sunscreen to protect the skin from the sun. 📱 Along with sunscreen, pomegranate fruits should also be eaten. 🌞 These are effective for skin care. 💫 It purifies the blood. 🌺 Prevents many skin problems. 🌼

🍊 Ripe papaya contains vitamin A, C and E. 🥝 They protect the skin in many ways. 🌻 If you apply this fruit pulp on the skin along with eating this fruit, you will get good results. 🥭 Ripe papaya acts as a natural exfoliator on the skin. 🌱 Helps clear the dead cells accumulated in the pores. 🌞🌺🍏🥝🌼


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