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These are the health benefits of eating kiwi fruits..! 🥝🌿

Kiwi fruits are compared with sapota fruits in our country. But... the taste of both is different. Nutrients are also different. Let's know why to eat kiwi. India is now a huge market for the egg-sized kiwi fruit. Whether these fruits are grown in New Zealand or not... they are being exported to India. Immediately people are buying them.

Fruits usually contain seeds. They have to be removed and eaten. Kiwi fruit also has seeds...they are like seeds in banana. Hence, this fruit can be eaten along with the seeds. It can be eaten with the skin but... 99 percent people eat it with the skin removed. These fruits are now very popular in India because they are easy to eat and have a unique taste. Kiwi fruit has also become the most important crop in the world's commercial crops. Kiwi fruit is also used in juice, jam and candies. The picture is that nothing is as sour as this fruit. has more vitamin C than lemon. 100 grams of kiwi contains 93 milligrams of vitamin C. The same 100 lemons contain only 54 milligrams of vitamin C. Kiwi fruit is low in calories and high in nutrients. Therefore, it is very good for those who want to lose weight to eat this fruit. Along with vitamin C, it contains vitamin K and E. It also contains folate and potassium which protect health. These improve heart function. Antioxidants that protect our skin... are good in kiwi fruit. Therefore, kiwi works well to protect the skin from sun damage, air pollution and smoke. Kiwi is also high in fiber. Hence the food we eat is digested well. Constipation problem is solved. Kiwi fruit is also used to reduce asthma. 🌿🍏🍊


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