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Suresh D

Tarot Card Predictions December 17, 2023: Tarot Card Reading for All Zodiac Signs

Tarot Card Reading for Today: December 17, 2023. Know what’s in store for your card. Our Tarot card reader Disha Bhatnagar reads the cards for you.

Aries (Queen of Pentacles)

Both stability and growth in your business will be visible soon. If you are unmarried, a marriage proposal from a well-established family may come your way. After marriage, you will find yourself in a good financial position. You will achieve success and recognition in your work while moving in the right direction. If you have dreamed of buying a new house or going on a trip with your family, it may come true. If you are searching for a better job, you are likely to find a job in a favorable location that will improve your financial situation. Unexpected sources may bring you financial gains, and you will experience complete satisfaction and joy in your life. Your enthusiastic state of mind will provide positive energy in your work area, and you will excel in your field.

Taurus (Page of Cups)

You exhibit a considerable degree of innocence in your behavior. Several good opportunities are coming your way. You need to take these opportunities seriously and work towards obtaining them. Unexpected news or someone close may suddenly come into your life, bringing you great happiness. Someone younger than you might enter your contact, and their thoughtful understanding will contribute to your success in your work area. If there is tension in your relationships, it's a favorable time to resolve it and improve the bond. If you want to change your job or switch to a different business area, now is the opportune time. With a little effort, you can fulfil all your desires.

Gemini (Three of Wands)

You have been making efforts for a long time to work or study abroad, and the possibility of your wish coming true is increasing. You will need to make some effort to seize this opportunity and steer your future in a better direction. If you are considering closing or stopping your business for some reason, it is advised not to close the established business immediately. Instead, you can start a new business alongside it. Gradually, when your second business achieves success, you will see that both your first and second businesses are successful. Closing one business because of another is not a wise decision. With patience and discipline, you can achieve success in both businesses.

Cancer (Six of swords)

You may be feeling some difficulty in your work area. There is some discord between you and your colleagues or associates, making you feel lonely. You are considering moving to another place. You are trying to either change your job or get a transfer in your current job. Your thoughts are in a chaotic state, and you are not able to focus entirely on your work. Keep a little patience and discipline. Make an effort to make your thoughts positive. Remember, if you do better work, there will be no shortage of people who envy you. Make an effort for your transfer. Have faith; you will get a transfer soon. Your department may undergo changes with a reorganization in your work area.

Leo (Five of Pentacles)

In your quest to earn a lot of money, you have neglected both your health and your responsibilities towards your family. Today, you may have accumulated wealth, but in the pursuit of that wealth, you have severely damaged your health. Your family life has also become disorganized. You are surrounded by various health issues, and your relatives and friends are distant and unhappy due to your behavior. It is now necessary for you to change your perspective. Your financial situation has improved significantly, and it's time to prioritise your health and family. Although not everything will instantly get better, if you make efforts with patience and discipline, you can improve your circumstances. This will not only benefit your health but also allow you to spend quality time with your family.

Virgo (Seven of Swords)

You have ample resources to establish your identity in your professional field. You are hardworking and dedicated, and with diligence, you execute your tasks well. However, you tend to be somewhat careless. Many times, your actions create problems that harm you. You need to be cautious because others may take advantage of your troubles. They may show affection to you in a way that you won't realize when they are causing you harm. It is advised to be a bit more selfish in your work, and employing a bit of cleverness can help you overcome challenges. It is essential to change your mindset that everything can be achieved without effort. For this, you should avoid unethical means, as such thinking may lead to future losses. Keep your thoughts positive.

Libra (The Star)

If you work with creativity and focus on your endeavors, you can achieve success even without being an expert in that particular field. Your sincerity and dedication can lead you to great heights. Your negative thinking is affecting you, and it is likely influenced by the negative people around you. Change your mindset. There is much more in the world, and it's up to you how you perceive things around you. Bring positivity to your thoughts. If there is tension with a relative for a long time, make an effort to improve that relationship. When sweetness enters the relationship, you will find satisfaction. You maintain balance in all areas of your life, and this equilibrium brings better results in your work when you work hard and diligently.

Scorpio (The Moon)

There is a lot of negativity in your thoughts, perhaps influenced by the negative people around you. You are making efforts to secure good opportunities in your professional field through hard work and dedication. However, your careless behavior is causing you trouble. While you have many desires, you are not making efforts to fulfil them. Your thoughts inspire you to learn and become better, but due to your negligence and laziness, you are not completing your tasks on time. This has resulted in the frustration of senior individuals. It is advised to make the best use of your time. If you feel the need to learn a skill, make an effort to acquire it for better opportunities.

Sagittarius (The Hanged Man)

You will make significant progress in your life. Once you work so hard in your job, similar to undergoing a penance, a change in your thinking and perspective is necessary. After this transformation in your behavior, you will reap many benefits in your life. All pending tasks will be completed. If, despite your hard work and honesty, success was elusive, it will come to you as well. You need to change your perspective. You possess intelligence and the ability to make decisive choices. Making the right decisions at the right time is your wisdom. Sometimes, even after hard work and effort, we may not achieve good results. It requires a change in our thinking to see our situation differently.

Capricorn (Five of Cups)

You have experienced ups and downs in your relationships. You tend to be skeptical and critical of the behavior and character of your loved ones. This has made people upset, leading to a breakdown in communication. You are anxious because you love them and fear losing them. Therefore, you want to keep them tied to you. It is advised that in any relationship, trust is crucial. If your love relationship is deep, then have faith that the other person will never deceive you. If you continue to doubt, they may eventually leave. The fault will not lie with them but with you for damaging a good relationship due to your suspicions. There is still time to improve your relationship. Change your thinking a little and trust the other person.

Aquarius (The World)

A new phase is beginning in your life after completing a cycle. The upcoming time will be even better for you. If you maintain balance in all aspects of life, you will achieve success, fame, and prosperity in all your endeavors. There will be increased depth in your love relationships. If you are looking for a new relationship, undoubtedly, new relationships and love will enter your life, and with divine blessings, all your desires will be fulfilled. You are also contemplating embarking on a new venture. It is possible that you may travel abroad. Planning a joyful trip with family members is also on the horizon. You are considering moving to a new place or a new home. This step will be auspicious for your future. Your new thoughts and ideas attract people, and you receive full support.

Pisces (Six of wands)

Having faced difficult situations and struggles, you have achieved victory in your life. Now, you are preparing to celebrate this victory with your family and others. You have faced the challenges with courage and determination, relying on your strength and morale. You had to endure criticism, and people spoke both positively and negatively about you. However, regardless of what others said, you moved forward without letting it bother you. Although success did not come instantly, you learned from every failure, slowly working towards success. Your financial situation is stable, and you know that soon you will establish a new identity for yourself. Those who used to criticize you will acknowledge your identity, even if they don't praise you. You believe that God supports those who strive and desire to achieve something. Hard work and diligence never go in vain. If not today, tomorrow, the effort will yield good results.

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