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Southwest has come.. as if there is no more sun!!

As if the scorching summer has come to a full stop.... Has there been relief from the scorching sun of Madu... Rohini Karte has started... The Meteorological Department has brought a cold word to the people of Telangana states who are wishing for the scorching sun.

The monsoon has arrived... Now, the scorching heat comes to an end! The rainy season brings relief from the blazing sun as the Telangana State Environmental Department announced the onset of the southwest monsoon. The Indian Meteorological Department has already declared the arrival of monsoon in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Good news came on June 2-3 as the Kerala coast welcomed the monsoon. With Kerala's arrival... it's just a matter of a few more days, around June 7-8, until the entire Telangana region gets drenched. And on June 10, the whole nation will celebrate the rejuvenating showers, bringing joy to the hearts of the people, as confirmed by the Environmental Department.


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