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Man stunts by putting his legs on the bicycle handle.

Today, there is a craze for stunts everywhere you look. People of all ages, whether they are from the city or a village, children or adults, are passionately engaging in various performances without any fear. They are performing these stunts with such enthusiasm and without considering the risk to their lives. When you see these performances, it's clear that everyone is doing it just for likes and comments on social media.

Every day, videos related to various stunts go viral on social media. Some of them leave us amazed, while others are quite funny. However, it's important to note that these stunts are not child's play. Many difficulties are faced during the time of performing these stunts. Some of these feats bring laughter as well. Nevertheless, not everyone can attempt such stunts. These incidents entertain people without causing harm. Currently, one such video is going viral.

Today, there is a craze for stunts wherever you look. People of all ages, whether they are from the city or a village, children or adults, are deeply engrossed in performing stunts without considering the risks involved. They perform these acts without thinking about their safety, solely for the sake of likes and comments on social media. However, amidst all this, the number of accidents on the roads is increasing rapidly. To create awareness among the public about traffic rules, the police department is actively searching for new strategies. They are showcasing a video to educate people about the dangers of accidents.


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