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Rural people-“Beware of snakes in Rainy Season”

India is home to a diverse range of snake species, some of which are highly venomous and pose a significant threat to humans.Snakes come out due to the growth of bushes and water in the mound during the rainy season. That's why rural people should be careful.

The top ten deadliest snakes found in India include the Indian Cobra, Russell's Viper, Common Krait, Saw-scaled Viper, Indian Pit Viper, King Cobra, Monocled Cobra, Hump-nosed Pit Viper, Bamboo Pit Viper, and Banded Krait. These snakes deliver potent venom that can cause various effects, such as neurotoxicity, cytotoxicity, tissue damage, and paralysis. In case of a snakebite, immediate medical attention is crucial. Guidelines to survive a snakebite include staying calm, immobilizing the affected limb, seeking medical help without delay, keeping the limb below heart level, and avoiding traditional remedies. Antivenom is the primary treatment, and monitoring vital signs is important. Prevention is also emphasized through education, wearing protective clothing, and exercising caution in snake habitats.

Overall, it is important to be aware of the deadliest snakes in India and understand how to respond in the event of a snakebite. Swift medical intervention, following proper guidelines, and prioritizing prevention can significantly increase the chances of survival and minimize the potential risks associated with snakebites.


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