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Rangabali Review:What Went Wrong For Rangabali?

Director Pawan Basamsetti's debut film, Rangabali, falls short of expectations. It fails to satisfy as a masala potboiler or as a story of personal growth and change.

Instead, it offers a lukewarm experience that may have its comedic moments but ultimately leaves you wanting more. The protagonist, Shaurya (Naga Shaurya), is a self-centered young man who thrives on attention in his small town. However, when he is forced to delve deeper into the town's issues, things take an unexpected turn. The film attempts to tie various elements together but falls short in creating a cohesive narrative. While there are humorous scenes and performances, the overall execution and storytelling lack impact. Despite its potential, Rangabali fails to deliver the desired 'show'manship. 😐🎬


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