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🏃‍♂️ Outside Running Vs Treadmill Running..

Benefits of outside running

Running outside requires more energy. So there is a possibility of quick weight loss.

Running outside also strengthens the bones. When running on a concrete surface, there is a lot of impact on the legs. This makes the bones stronger. The legs of those who run outside become stronger.

Sunlight takes a lot on the skin. Due to this, vitamin D is well received by the body. Similarly, there is a chance to breathe fresh air.

Running outside has the potential to reduce depression, stress, and anger. Mental happiness also increases.

Benefits of outside running

Running on a treadmill can be done at any time. Similarly, it may not be possible to run outside in all seasons. But running on a treadmill can be done anytime.

Experts say running on a treadmill is better for those who run for cardiovascular benefits.

Similarly, those who are preparing for a marathon, it is better to run outside. Running on a treadmill, running outside, has many benefits. But it is better to run more percentage outside.


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