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📱📸 Now you have to pay money to use Facebook and Instagram.. 💰

📧 If you have an email id, you can create an account for free and use it. But in the coming days, you will have to pay money to use Facebook and Instagram. 👁️‍🗨️

Meta is taking steps in that direction. Meta hopes to have subscription plans available by 2024. But this is only for those who don't want ads. It is common to see advertisements while viewing the feed on Facebook and Instagram. 😷

📱 However, with this paid service provided by Meta, users will get a chance to browse without any ads. 🌐

🌍 Bringing ad free subscription plan in line with European regulation. Looking to start monetization globally including India, Meta is taking steps in that direction. As part of this, Facebook and Instagram are planning to bring an ad-free subscription plan to Facebook and Instagram. It seems that the organizers are thinking of implementing this policy by April 2024 or by the end of the year. 🌐

🤔 The real reason is this.. Meta imposed a huge fine because of how they are giving advertisements without email permission. It is in this background that with Meta e paid service, users get the opportunity to browse without any ads. 🕵️‍♂️🤨

🌏 Bringing ad free subscription plan in line with European regulations. Looking to start monetization globally including India, Meta is taking steps in that direction. As part of this, Facebook and Instagram are planning to bring an ad-free subscription plan to Facebook and Instagram. It seems that the organizers are thinking of implementing this policy by April 2024 or by the end of the year. 🌏


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