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#NorthKoreanDictator: Kim Jong Un's Strict Rules Even for His Wife

North Korea is like a world of its own, completely separate from the rest of the globe. Living there isn't easy, as the country's conditions are very different from anywhere else. The nation's leader, Kim Jong Un, is known for his extreme strictness, often making international headlines for his harsh decisions and rules.

The people of North Korea know only about their leader and his family, viewing Kim as a god-like figure. But this is just on the surface—deep down, the people don't really feel the same way. However, they can't express their true feelings openly. When it comes to Kim's luxurious lifestyle, the rules he imposes on the people are bizarre and frightening. Anyone who disobeys the government's restrictions faces severe punishment.

These terrifying rules aren't just for the public—they apply to Kim's wife, Ri Sol-ju, too. Kim has imposed many restrictions on her as well. Ri Sol-ju was a singer and cheerleader before marrying Kim. Kim's father, Kim Jong-il, saw her perform at an event and ordered Kim to marry her in 2009. It's said that after their marriage, Kim even changed her name and didn't allow her to meet her parents.

She doesn't have the freedom to choose her clothes; she must wear what Kim likes. Even her hairstyle has to match his preferences. She is not allowed to step out alone and can only go out when accompanied by Kim. The couple had their first child in 2010, followed by another daughter a few years later. Kim was reportedly unhappy that they were both girls and ordered his wife to keep having children until she bore a son. Recently, Ri Sol-ju gave birth again, but whether it’s a boy or a girl hasn’t been revealed, though some reports suggest it's a boy.

With Kim treating even his wife this harshly, it's no surprise that the people under his rule live in fear. In such a terrifying environment, how can anyone truly live freely? North Korea remains a unique, isolated world under the brutal dictatorship of Kim Jong Un.


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