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🌊 Nipah virus in bats of nine states including Kerala.. 🦠

🔍 Scientists have found evidence of Nipah virus spread in bats in nine states and one union territory. 🧪👩‍🔬 In addition to the areas where Nipah virus was detected, tests were conducted in Telangana, Gujarat, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Odisha and Chandigarh.

🏥🌍 A nationwide survey conducted by the Indian Council of Medical Research National Institute of Virology (ICMR-NIV) has confirmed the spread of Nipah virus in bats in nine states and one union territory. 🌐🧪 So far the survey has been completed in 14 states and two union territories. Nipah virus antibodies have been found in bats in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Goa, Maharashtra, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya and Pondicherry union territories, said Dr. Pragya Yadav, Group Leader, Maximum Containment Laboratory scientist. 🚀👩‍⚕️ 🏥🌍 ICMR has clarified that Nipah virus can cause life-threatening respiratory and brain infections in humans. 🦠💉 🦠 Bats are carriers of the Pteropus virus. 🕷️🦟 It is one of the pathogens with pandemic potential. Deaths in Nipah cases are more worrying. 💔🏥 Since Nipah came to light in Kerala in 2018-19, continuous surveillance has been increased. 🌊💔


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