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🦠 Nifa virus terror in Kerala !!

🦠 Before the bitter experiences left by Corona virus are forgotten.. Now Nifa virus is creating a stir. Nifa virus cases are causing concern in the country at present. Already cases of death due to this virus have been reported in Kerala.

A few others are affected by it and are being treated in hospitals. Kozhikode district of Kerala is particularly affected by Nifa virus. Due to this, the Kerala government took immediate action. All educational institutions in the district have declared holidays from Monday. Educational institutions have been ordered to remain closed till September 24. Kerala Health Minister Veena said that 21 high-risk patients infected with Nipah virus are currently in isolation. A nine-year-old boy, the son of the first person to die of Nipah, also tested positive for the Nipah virus. However, his health is said to be stable at present. On the other hand, medical experts say that if it spreads from Kerala to other states, the situation will be worse. If this happens, experts warn that once again lockdown-style restrictions will be imposed across the country. Due to this, states adjacent to Nifa are also taking precautionary measures to prevent Nifa from entering their state. 🚨🏥


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