Doctors across India have launched a 24-hour strike in protest of a recent tragic incident in Kolkata. This protest has led to a complete shutdown of non-emergency medical services in states like Delhi, Kerala, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Maharashtra, and Gujarat. The strike began at 6 AM today and will continue until 6 AM on Sunday. Outpatient services and elective surgeries are suspended, but emergency services will remain available.
The Indian Medical Association (IMA) has presented five demands to the central government in response to the incident. IMA Chief Dr. RV Asokan called for hospitals across the country to be declared "safe zones," similar to airports. The IMA is also pushing for stricter laws to protect doctors and hospital staff from attacks, as well as a dignified compensation for the victim's family. Another demand focuses on the working hours and conditions of doctors, questioning the fairness of the victim being on duty for 36 continuous hours before the incident.