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🚀🌌 NASA responded to the 'alien bodies' in Mexico..! 🛰️

🪐 NASA recently reacted to the fossils displayed in the Mexican Parliament on September 11 as the remains of extraterrestrials. 🌠

NASA has recently released a new report on unidentified anomalous phenomena that act as unidentified flying saucers. 🌌 It announced that a special committee has been set up to investigate the UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon) in response to appeals to try to raise awareness among the general public. 🔍 David Spergle, former head of the Astrophysics Department of Princeton University, has been appointed as the director of this committee. 🌠 David Spergle shared details of NASA's latest report with the media on September 14. 📅 In this order, when the media asked about the remains of aliens in Mexico, they said that they can tell what they are only after conducting tests, but they do not have any samples related to them. 🌠🛸📡


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