The Malayalam film industry is currently facing a massive scandal involving sexual harassment, as recently highlighted in the Hema Commission's report. Following these revelations, 17 cases have been registered against various actors and producers accused of harassment. As a result, the AMMA (Association of Malayalam Movie Artists) organization has been disbanded, and many film stars and producers are set to be questioned in connection with these cases.
Recently, actress Sonia Malhaar lodged a complaint, alleging that she was harassed by an actor on a film set in 2013. In response to the ongoing #MeToo allegations in the film industry, the Kerala government has set up a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to probe these cases. Sonia, however, urged the media not to link her complaint to actor Jayasurya.
Actress Minu Munir, who has also accused actors including M Mukesh, Jayasurya, Maniyanpilla Raju, and Idavela Babu of harassment, reported receiving threatening messages. She shared the threatening message on her social media account, and the SIT is set to record her statement regarding her complaint.