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🌱🌰 Many benefits of onions.. 🌿

🌰 Onions are rich in vitamin C, vitamin B2 and thiamin. Also contains vitamin A and vitamin K. Onion contains copper, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, chromium, manganese and fiber. Sulfur compound in onion helps to control and reduce blood pressure levels.

Onions lower bad cholesterol. It reduces excess fat accumulated around the liver. Onion stalks are said to be a divine medicine for those suffering from fatty liver problem. The substance Xianthin in onion stalks improves eyesight.

🩸 Onions also help in lowering cholesterol levels. The flavonoid chemoferol in these makes the blood flow smoothly without stressing the blood vessels. Blood pressure is controlled in those who consume onions more. It reduces the chances of bone related diseases like osteoporosis. The folates in these keep heart diseases under control. Good for heart and blood vessels. It reduces cholesterol oxidation. Reduces the risk of heart disease.


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