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Landslides Bury Over 2000 People in Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea is reeling under the impact of a devastating natural disaster. Landslides in the northern Enga region have buried over 2000 people alive, as revealed by the country's disaster management center. The tragedy struck early Friday morning, wiping out entire villages. Initial estimates put the death toll at 600, but the numbers have now surged past 2000. The heavy rainfall that caused the landslides has also made rescue operations perilous, with water and mud hampering efforts.

Around 4000 people resided in the affected area, and more than half have lost their lives. Survivors have been left with nothing but the clothes on their backs, as the landslides have destroyed their homes and crops, leaving them without food or drinking water. Authorities have stated that there is little hope of finding anyone alive under the debris. Locals are using shovels and hoes to dig out the bodies, but damaged roads are hindering rescue operations.

The United Nations initially reported 100 deaths, which later increased to 670. The final death toll is now significantly higher. "Over 2000 people have been buried alive due to the landslides. Buildings and food gardens have been wiped out, impacting the country's economy severely," said Luceta Lase Mana, Director of Papua New Guinea's National Disaster Center.

The situation remains dire, with more landslides occurring, posing further risks to rescue teams and survivors. The disaster management team reports extensive damage and emphasizes the need for immediate assistance from everyone. More than 150 homes have been completely destroyed by the landslides.

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