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Suresh D

Know Health Benefits Of Eating Curd During Lunch Hours 🤔

In the present time many health problems are haunting us.. especially bad lifestyle and unhealthy food.. are making us sick. In such situations, some measures should be taken to maintain health. However, health experts suggest to consume milk and its products for good health. Many people don't like milk but they eat curd with great enthusiasm.. Like this if we include milk products in our daily diet.. it is very good for health. However, experts say that it is good to drink milk in the morning and at night.. However, when to eat curd.. it is good.

However, according to medical experts and dietitians, if you take curd daily during lunch in the afternoon, experts say that it will do many benefits for your health.

Benefits of eating yogurt

Improves metabolism: Yogurt contains probiotics, also known as good bacteria, which help improve digestion. Apart from this, it also plays an important role in keeping the intestines healthy and provides relief from constipation, gas, acidity and other stomach related problems.

Energy for the body: Yogurt contains protein, calcium and vitamin B. They provide energy to the body. Eating curd in the afternoon provides energy to the body. It helps in completing exercises or daily activities.

Cools the body: Yogurt helps in removing heat from our body. It cools the body. It prevents excessive sweating in summer. It protects against hat stroke and dental problems in summer.

Useful in weight control: Regular consumption of curd helps in weight control. It gives a feeling of fullness. This prevents people from overeating. Moreover, yogurt contains protein, which helps reduce hunger after a meal.

Good for the skin: Yogurt contains probiotics which are good for the skin. Good bacteria help keep the skin healthy and glowing. Helps reduce acne on the skin.

Beneficial Nutrients: Yogurt contains calcium, vitamin D and other nutrients. They are good for bones and teeth. Therefore, experts say that it is better to eat curd in mid-day meal.

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