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🔬🩺Is the threat of cancer increasing with toothpaste and shampoos..🔬🩺

📆📝 According to the latest ICMR report, 14.6 lakh people in our country will be affected by this epidemic in the year 2022. It is expected to increase to 15.7 lakh by 2025. How dangerous it is. It is estimated that 8 lakh people died of cancer last year. This number is increasing every year. 🔴📈

It said that the main causes of cancer are eating right food, air pollution, lack of physical activity. Every day we do many such things. 👨‍⚕️💪 It promotes cancer. 💪💙 One of these is using toothpaste and shampoos. 🚿👍 Using both products is believed to increase cancer. 🧴💊 Now the biggest question is whether the toothpaste we use in the morning and evening increases the risk of cancer. Research done by the University of Toronto has shown that toothpaste contains triclosan chemical, which increases the risk of cancer. This is one such product that activates a cancer-causing factor in the body. Many toothpastes are known to contain high amounts of triclosan, which is known to cause cancer. 📚🧪🔬


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