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🥦🥑 Instead of taking 'Vitamin E' capsules, eat these..🍅🥕

🥦🥑 Instead of taking 'Vitamin E' capsules, eat these.. 🍅🥕 Nutrients like Vitamin E are not only good for physical health.. but also for the skin. 🌿👩‍⚕️ Vitamin E boosts immunity.

🌰🍶 Almond.. 🌰🍶 Vitamin E is in good quantity in almonds. It is very important to include almonds in the diet for healthy skin. 🍃🌿 Although its effect increases the body temperature.. It is beneficial if taken in moderation. 🌞🍂 Soaking almonds in water overnight and eating them in the morning is more beneficial. 🌙🍽️

🍃🌱 Beetroot.. 🍃🌱 Beetroot is very good for skin and health. It is rich in nutrients including vitamin E. 🌈👩‍⚕️ Beetroot leaves can be eaten like greens. It enhances your facial expression. 😊💄

🍀🍂 Sunflower seeds.. 🍀🍂 If sunflower seeds are included in the diet, vitamin E deficiency in the body can be cured. 100 grams of sunflower seeds contain 35.17 mg of vitamin E. 😃💧 Sunflower seeds are very beneficial for healthy and glowing skin. 💦🌸

🥬🌿 Avocado.. 🥬🌿 It is very important to include avocado in the diet for vitamin E. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. 👍💁‍♀️ This reduces the problem of wrinkles on the skin at an early age. 🧖‍♀️🌿 Face looks young. Avocado is used in many facial products. 💆‍♀️💄


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