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🌱 If you soak chia seeds in water and drink them in the morning.. Do you know how many benefits..?

❤️ Healthy for heart..

🌿 Potassium and omega-3 fatty acids present in chia seeds prevent high bad cholesterol. It controls the accumulation of dirt and fat in the veins. It maintains proper blood circulation. Also, the risk of heart attack and stroke is greatly reduced. Heart is healthy.

❤️ Controls blood pressure..

😊 Along with mental stress, bad eating habits, non-workout routine can increase blood pressure. It increases the risk of heart disease. In conditions of high and low blood pressure. They should drink chia seed water daily. It keeps blood pressure under control.

🌟 Skin also shines..

🌱 The nutrients in chia seeds are good for your skin and hair too. The nutrients in it not only cure skin related problems but also make the skin glow. Regular consumption of this water can cure other skin problems.

Blood sugar levels are normal.

💤 Drinking chia seed water on an empty stomach right after waking up in the morning keeps blood sugar levels under control. It prevents rise in blood sugar. It is very useful for diabetics. Sugar is kept in limited quantities. 🩸


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