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🍽️ If you reduce this one thing in your diet.. you can live comfortably for a hundred years!

🧂 If salt is not added in proper quantity, it not only spoils the taste of the food but also harms the health. Nutritionist Sonia Bakshi says that consuming too much salt is harmful to health in many ways.

Blood pressure problem Hypertension is caused by the increase in the amount of sodium in the body. That means high blood pressure. It has a direct effect on heart health. Increases the risk of heart attack and other heart diseases.

👀 Read these too 🍽️ If you reduce this one thing in your diet.. you can live comfortably for a hundred years! 🥗 Another leopard died in Kuno National Park.. Deaths reached 10🎉 Serial murders in Hyderabad during festival.. Who did it? 🛫 Passengers who have eaten on the airport runway.. Kendra Serious 🩸 The risk of kidney-related problems increases 🧂 Consuming too much salt can also have a bad effect on the kidneys. In fact, too much salt can increase blood pressure. It harms the heart and kidneys. Therefore, the amount of salt in the diet should be limited.

🌅 How much salt should be consumed in a day on average? 👴 An adult should consume 5 grams of salt daily. That is why they should not be eaten.


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