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🌾🐣 If you put these foods in the stomach of children, they will become stronger! 🍚🐣

🐣 Eggs: Children will be very healthy if they have boiled chicken cloth every day in the morning. It should be added to their regular diet. Due to this there is a good result in the growth of the child. Helps build muscles and tissues.

Chicken eggs should be boiled completely and fed little by little to children. Eating chicken egg in the morning also improves immunity in them.

🌱 Pulses: It is also very good to introduce foods made from pulses to children. Eating it makes you healthy and strong. Pulses help a child gain weight. Apart from that, digestive problems are also prevented in them. In particular, the problem of rectal laziness does not occur. Apart from that, they get an instant boost of energy.

🍲 Banana Fruits: Children are very healthy by giving banana fruit every day. Stomach related periods are also far away. Apart from this, eating banana gives children instant energy and also increases their weight.

🚰 Goru warm water: If there is any problem of faecal lethargy in children, it will reduce if there is any problem of faecal lethargy in children by giving them warm water. Also the digestive system also works properly. Bacteria and viruses are not allowed to enter. 🌊💧


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