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If you have these symptoms, you may be deficient in vitamin D.

There are two main causes of vitamin D deficiency. Not getting enough vitamin D through diet or lack of sunlight. Vitamin D deficiency can cause various conditions in the body.

Vitamin D deficiency is seen in bone defects, frequent illnesses, infections, fatigue, bone pain, depression, slow healing of any injury. People who are deficient in vitamin D get tired easily. Even if they do small tasks, they get very tired.. Not only that, insomnia is the main problem for people who are deficient in vitamin D. Sudden bone pain, muscle pain, muscle weakness can be caused by vitamin D deficiency. Moreover..Vitamin D deficiency can cause various skin related problems. Rashes, pimples, age spots and often chapped skin can cause various problems. If these symptoms are present then definitely identify vitamin-D deficiency and make sure to expose the body to sunlight in the morning along with foods rich in vitamin D. Sunlight makes our body produce vitamin D. Health experts say that preventing vitamin-D deficiency can help you get rid of illness. The best food sources of vitamin D are cod liver oil, salmon, swordfish, tuna fish, orange juice, dairy products, sardines, egg yolks, cheese, beef liver, some types of mushrooms.


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