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Shiva YT

🥤💇‍♂️ If you drink these kinds of drinks, you will get baldness

👨‍🔬📚 Do you know how your habits are becoming enemies of your hair.. Regardless of age, clothes are now becoming victims. And let's know what those habits are..

🌀 Energy drinks..

🔬 A study was done on hair loss at Tsinghua University in Beijing. Chinese researchers have said that those who have the habit of drinking energy drinks or sugary drinks will have more hair loss and will have to face baldness. The effect of these energy drinks is more visible in men. According to the study, the age group of 13 to 29 years is affected.

🔍 How was the study done..?

📊 This study was done on 1000 men. It is recommended to drink 3 liters of energy drinks per week first. Research has revealed that people who drink more than one energy drink per day have a 42 percent higher risk of hair loss.

🍔 Harmful fast food

🚫 The study revealed that people who eat fast food or eat less vegetables not only suffer from hair loss but also often suffer from anxiety. Fast or junk food can lead to obesity. People are being advised to stay away from junk food, which is believed to be the cause of serious diseases like cancer, but they are not paying attention.

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