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Arguments will happen with family members and relatives due to Ravi and Mercury in the fourth house on Thursday for Aries. Due to the influence of Kuja and Venus in Panchama Sthana, there will be comfort due to progeny. Have fun with children. Favorable position of Saturn gives favorable results in career, job and business. Advise to avoid stress. Good time for students. Worship Guru Dakshinamurthy today for good results. Recite Dakshinamurthy Stotras.


Taurus will enjoy spending time with their relatives due to the transit of Ravi and Mercury in the 3rd house today. Due to the influence of Kuja and Venus in the fourth house, one should exercise restraint in some matters. Suggestion to control costs. Favorable time for employees. A costly time for traders. Dattatreya should be worshiped today for more auspicious results. Recitation of Sri Guru Charitra and Dattatreya Stotra will bring good results.


Time is favorable for Gemini. Arguments should be avoided due to the influence of Ravi in the position of speech. Favorable time for employees. A profitable time for traders. Complete important tasks. Spend time with family happily. Good time for students. It is good to donate tambulam and shanagala today to get more auspicious results. The prasad made with hemp should be reported and distributed as prasad.

Cancer sign

Cancer sign will not be favorable for them today. Due to the influence of Ravi in birth sign, workload is heavy. Arguments with family members are not appropriate. Influence of Kuja and Venus in speech position suggests to avoid anger, rage and rash decisions. Care should be taken in health and family matters. Worship Guru Dakshinamurthy today for more auspicious results. Dakshinamurti hymns should be recited.


Today is average for Leos. Due to the influence of Ravi and Mercury in the house of expenditure, expenses are high. Due to the influence of Kujun in birth sign, physical activity is increased. Spend on entertainment luxuries. Students excel in studies. Businessmen are fine. Dattatreya should be worshiped today for more auspicious results. Recitation of Sri Guru Charitra and Dattatreya Stotra will bring good results.


Today is favorable for Virgo. Due to the influence of Ravi and Mercury in the house of profit, it will be profitable for the businessmen. Due to the influence of Mars and Venus in the house of expenditure, there will be comfort and money expenditure. Due to the compatibility of Shani in the sixth house, every work will be completed as planned. Good time for students. Average time for employees. It is good to donate tambulam and shanagala today to get more auspicious results.


For Libras, today is favorable for you. Financial gain is an indication of material gain. Favorable time for employees. Profitable for businessmen. Students will get favorable results. Due to the influence of Janma Ketu, it is suggested to take care in family matters and health matters. Worship Guru Dakshinamurthy today for more auspicious results. Dakshinamurti hymns should be recited.


Today is moderate to favorable for Scorpios. Due to the influence of Mars and Venus in the 10th house, the employee is favorable in all ways. Favorable time for businessmen. Due to the influence of Ravi and Mercury in Bhagya there will be harmony in the family. Due to the influence of Ardashtama Shani, work should be done skillfully. Take care in health matters. Dattatreya should be worshiped for more auspicious results. Recitation of Sri Guru Charitra and Dattatreya Stotra will bring good results.


Moderate favorable results for Sagittarius today. Due to the influence of Ashtama Ravi and Mercury, care should be taken in health matters. Favorable time for job seekers due to compatibility of Mars and Venus in Bhagya. They are encouraged by the words of their colleagues. Today will be profitable for traders. Average time for students. Women have moderate to favorable results. It is good to donate tambulam and shangala today to get more auspicious results.


Today is moderate for Capricorns. Care should be taken in family affairs in terms of health due to the influence of Shani on the first day and the influence of Ashtama Kuja and Venus. Cost of money is high. Suggestion to control costs. Average time for students. Bad time for businessmen. Be diligent in your work. Worship Guru Dakshinamurthy today for more auspicious results. Dakshinamurti hymns should be recited.


Today is a medium for Aquarius. Ravi and Mercury in 6th place will gain upper hand over enemies by being compatible. Due to the influence of Guru in Tritiya, dealings with brothers will give favorable results. Due to the influence of Kuja Shukra in Kalatram, care should be taken in family affairs. Bad time for women. Average time for students. Dattatreya should be worshiped today for more auspicious results. Sri Guru Charitra and Dattatreya Stotram should be recited. Pisces


Today is favorable for them. There will be financial gain and comfort. There will be material gain. New clothes are available. Have fun with family members. Principles of saving should be followed. It is good to donate tambulam and shanagala today to get more auspicious results. The prasad made with hemp should be reported and distributed as prasad.

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