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Hijack commotion at Visakha airport.. Security forces entered the field..

🛫 As the Visakha airport belongs to Defense, the security there is very tight. A plane was hijacked at such an airport. ✈️

All the passengers are panicking as the hijackers warn them. ⚠️ The plane is ready to take off. 🛬 The only screams of the passengers in the plane. 🚪 This information was received by the air traffic controller. 📞 From there, the information reached the security forces on a war footing basis. 📢

⚓️ Immediately the Navy, airport security forces and central state government security forces rushed in without a moment's delay. 💪 The security forces entered the airport and later entered the plane. 🦸‍♂️ The security forces increased pressure on the hijackers at the cost of their lives. ⛑️ Instead of taking off, the plane was able to stop on the runway with technology. 🚁 They were able to arrest the hijackers without causing any trouble to the lives of the passengers. 🏃‍♂️ With this, all the passengers breathed a sigh of relief. 😨 Those who saw this scene at the airport on Thursday evening must have been shocked. 😱

👮 Wait wait.. all this is supposed to be real, it's just a mock drill. 💂 Every year such mock drills are conducted at all airports about the immediate response of the security forces and the ESOPs to be followed when any plane is hijacked or passengers die due to any major accident. 🌟 Such mock drives contribute to improving the efficiency of security forces' preparedness, effective strategies and plans. 💼🚦


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