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👑💰👘 Handwoven saree with gold and silver.. Another record in the name of Sirisilla Netanna.. 📈🌟

📍Sirisilla district, August 5: The name Sirisilla.. Netannas remember. The weavers here have made a sari that can be put on fire. 👤🔥👕 📏 Despite facing financial difficulties, They did not come out of this profession.. Now he is doing miracles along with financial progress. 🚀💰

📅 Nalla Vijay from Sirisilla town once again sharpened his talent and made a saree with silk threads using 20 grams of gold and 20 grams of silver. 💍👗🎖️The width of this saree is 48 inches, length is five and half meters, weight is 500 grams and the cost of this saree is approximately 1,80,000 rupees. 💸💳🏷️It took a month to make. 📅⌛👔🔜 Another saree is going to be made soon. 👕💰🔜In this saree, almost half a kg of silver and a quarter of a kg of gold will be used to weave the saree. 🌟🛍️🎁 Some businessmen are planning to buy these. 🤝🏬💼


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