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#GSTDebate 🔥🎙️ | Suravaram Sudhakar Reddy’s Podcast on GST Going Viral

In his latest podcast episode, Suravaram Sudhakar Reddy, former CPI General Secretary and MP, dives deep into how the Goods and Services Tax (GST) is disproportionately affecting the poor. 🛑 The podcast has struck a chord with many, going viral for its candid analysis of the Modi government’s policies. Reddy explains how essential items like food and daily necessities are taxed heavily, while services and luxury goods catering to the rich face lower GST rates. 🏦💸

GST: Anti-Poor and Pro-Rich? 💰⚖️

Reddy’s primary concern is that GST, initially introduced to simplify taxes, has only worsened inequality. Essential goods that the common man relies on are subject to high GST rates. From food grains, dairy products, and medicines to services like healthcare and education, the poor are being taxed on necessities they can’t avoid. 🌾💊 Meanwhile, luxury services enjoyed by the wealthy, such as premium cars, private jets, and exclusive clubs, are taxed at lower rates or enjoy several loopholes. This creates a system where the rich get richer, while the poor struggle just to make ends meet. 🚗✈️

Small Businesses Struggling to Survive 🏪

Another point Reddy highlights is how small businesses are suffering under GST. Many small shop owners and local manufacturers are struggling to keep up with the complex tax system, leading to shutdowns. The burden of GST compliance is particularly heavy on these businesses, which already operate with tight margins. Larger corporations with more resources can easily navigate these complexities, giving them an unfair advantage over smaller players. ⚙️

Reddy calls this a deliberate policy under the Modi government, aimed at favoring corporates and crushing local businesses. This GST system has led to widespread economic distress, especially in rural and semi-urban areas. 🏚️

Common Man’s Struggle 💸

With rising prices of essential goods and stagnant incomes, the common man is caught in a web of financial strain. Reddy emphasizes how GST is squeezing the poor from all sides, making basic living costs higher. Many households are forced to cut down on their basic necessities, like nutritious food and proper healthcare, while the rich continue to enjoy tax benefits. 🌾🛑

Conclusion: A Call for Change ⚙️✊

Suravaram Sudhakar Reddy’s podcast is gaining momentum because it taps into the growing frustrations of the working class and small business owners. His message is clear: the current GST system is unjust and only deepens the gap between the rich and poor. Reddy calls for a complete overhaul of the GST structure to ensure fairness, equality, and economic justice for all.


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