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Fishermen Shocked to Find a Python in Their Net in Karnataka River! 🐍

Unusual Catch During Heavy Rains

Karnataka has recently been experiencing heavy rains, leading to overflowing rivers, lakes, and ponds. This increase in water levels has been a boon for fishermen, providing an abundant catch of fish. However, a group of fishermen recently had a surprising encounter that left them stunned.

A Surprising Catch

As they cast their nets into a river, the fishermen felt an unexpected weight. Thinking they had caught a large haul of fish, they carefully pulled the net to the shore. To their shock, instead of fish, they found a 7-foot-long python tangled in the net. This unexpected discovery left the fishermen both amazed and frightened.

Rescue Operation

Upon realizing what they had caught, the fishermen immediately informed local villagers and a snake catcher. A team of snake experts quickly arrived at the scene. Seeing the python struggling in the net, the snake catcher was deeply concerned and began the delicate task of freeing the python. After about half an hour of careful effort, they successfully released the python back into its natural habitat.

Viral Video

The rescue operation was captured on video and shared on Instagram by user ajay_v_giri. It turns out that the snake catchers who saved the python are employees of the Karnataka Forest Department. The video has since gone viral, capturing the attention and admiration of many viewers online.


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