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📰📱 Exciting news for WhatsApp users..

📱💬 It is known that there is currently no possibility of using two WhatsApp accounts on one phone. There is an option to use only one WhatsApp account on one phone.

🔒📊 But even if this feature is available in the WhatsApp app like cloned WhatsApp, not everyone can use it keeping in mind the security aspects. That's why WhatsApp has brought a new feature.

📲📌 With the help of this new feature brought by WhatsApp, you can use different accounts with the same WhatsApp. Currently this feature is available to some. With this feature, users can now access two WhatsApp accounts in the same app.

🔑🔄 And how to use the feature.. First you can add another account with the arrow symbol at the QR code option in the WhatsApp account.

📲🔒 You can switch to another account with the help of this. In this way, personal chats can be done in one account and professional chats can be done in another account. Currently available for beta users, this feature will soon be available for everyone. 🎉💼📱


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