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🌐 Elon Musk supports India for permanent membership in the Security Council! 🌍

India has on many occasions expressed its displeasure at the global fora regarding the lack of progress in the talks on Security Council reforms. Currently, the Security Council has five permanent members and ten temporary members.

Temporary members are elected by the UN General Assembly for two-year terms. The five permanent members of the Security Council—Russia, Britain, China, France, and the United States—have veto power over key resolutions that affect the entire world. With that veto power, China is blocking proposals to grant India permanent membership in the Security Council.

It is interesting that Elon Musk responded in support of India at a time when India is making strong efforts for permanent membership in the Security Council. African countries are also criticized for not having permanent membership in the UN Security Council. Demands are being heard to cancel the permanent membership of the current Security Council, which has been around for 80 years, and reform it according to the current conditions. International leaders are questioning why India, with a population of over 130 crores, does not have a permanent membership in the Security Council. 🌍✨

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