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"Duvvada Srinivas Lashes Out Against Trolls in Madhuri Case 🚨

Duvvada Srinivas expressed deep sorrow over the trolls targeting him, claiming that Madhuri became a victim of these online attacks. He shared that Madhuri, who lost her parents and in-laws, was saved by him from a suicide attempt in the past. Srinivas explained that Madhuri was troubled by character assassination and didn't know how to handle her depression, which led to the unfortunate accident. He insisted that Madhuri's car accident was not a drama and questioned what would have happened if it were true. He revealed that Madhuri suffered a head injury in the accident and doctors recommended a CT scan, warning that head injuries can have long-term consequences.

Srinivas boldly stated that he is not afraid of anyone and speaks his mind, which has earned him enemies. He lamented that society supports his wife, but he has faced hell in his life with his wife, Vani. He accused Vani's father, Raghava Rao, of being the main villain in their marriage, claiming that everyone knows about his bad habits.

Srinivas mentioned that he intended to visit Madhuri in the hospital but feared his house would be taken over if he left. He accused Vani of turning the children against him, describing her actions as having a "psycho mentality." He clarified that he had no intention of attacking his wife and children and had served divorce notices to Vani two years ago.

Meanwhile, police registered a case against Divvala Madhuri, who faced accusations of having a relationship with Duvvada Srinivas. She is charged with attempting to commit suicide by causing an accident on the Palasa National Highway, along with negligent driving and endangering others' lives under Section 125 of the new Indian Penal Code.


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