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🌽🍽️ Don't eat these five vegetables without cooking them at all..

🍀 Lettuce…

🌿 Lettuce is a leafy vegetable with many health benefits. But it is better not to eat it raw. Oxalic acid in lettuce prevents absorption of calcium and iron from food. But this acid decomposes during cooking.

🍠 sweet potato…

🥔 Sweet potato is usually not eaten uncooked. In fact, it should not be eaten uncooked. Because the nutrients in it are useful only if it is cooked.

🌶️ Green peas…

🌶️ Green chillies are usually cooked and eaten once by everyone. But some people also add green peas to their salads. But, there is no benefit in eating like this. Not only that, it also causes harm. The 'lectins' present in green peas can cause digestive problems if eaten uncooked.

🍆 Eggplants…

🍆 There are few people who eat eggplant without anything. But, even eggplant should be eaten only after cooking. Only then will we get the health benefits of eggplant. Otherwise, other health problems are inevitable.

🌽 Mushrooms…

🌽 Some people also eat mushrooms uncooked. But it is not good to eat mushrooms uncooked. It causes severe abdominal pain. Eating mushrooms is very good for health. 🥦🥕


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