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🗣️ Do you know who played the script behind Rahul's speech in Lok Sabha..

🗣️ Rahul Gandhi's speech during the debate on the no-confidence motion against the Modi government in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday (August 9) was overshadowed. The aggression in Rahul's speech was heard everywhere.

It is becoming a topic of discussion everywhere inside and outside the House. But political circles say that if anyone played a special role in giving the basis for this speech, it was his mother, former Congress President Sonia Gandhi. According to an article in India Today, when Rahul Gandhi was addressing the Lok Sabha, Sonia Gandhi was seen guiding him from time to time. 💬 So thus his words hit the government at the right place. Sonia Gandhi continues to give advice to Rahul even though he is sitting in the front row. That is why Rahul also did not hesitate to accept his mother's advice. From the time he started his speech, he was seen saying how to speak and how to attack at what time.

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