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Do you know the common password used by Indians? 🤔

Most people are also using the country name in their chosen passwords. Not only India but also other countries are selecting passwords with the name of the country.

He said that Indians are mostly choosing the password 'India@123'. And 'admin' is one of the most commonly used passwords this year. In addition to these, it has been found that the most used passwords in India this year are 'Password', 'Pass@123' and 'password@123'.

It has been found that about 31 percent of the passwords used by the most people in the world are using '123456789', '000000' and many serial numbers. It is said that security can be given to passwords through the technology called 'Passkey'. This technology helps eliminate weak passwords and increases security. But Tomas Smalakis said that it will take more time for this new technology to be available. 🌐🔒🛡️


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