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🌈 Do you know the color of urine tells about your health problem..

👨‍⚕️ According to health experts, urine color is usually yellow. At the same time, when drinking the right amount of water, this color appears pale yellow. 💧🌟

🔍 Clear Color: If the urine is completely clear or transparent, it may be due to drinking too much water. 💦 Drinking water is a good thing, but drinking too much water can harm health in many ways. 🚱🏥

🍊 White Color: If your urine color is completely white, it is not a good sign from health point of view as well. When the amount of calcium, oxalate, phosphate increases in the urine, the color turns white. 🥛✨

🟠 Dark Brown or Dark Yellow: Dark brown or yellow urine is a sign of dehydration. Lack of water in the body can harm you in many ways. 🍞🍲

🟡 Orange color: Urine is orange in color due to the presence of many nutrients in the body like vitamin C and carotene. Apart from this, when you suffer from liver disease, a substance called bilirubin starts to be produced in your urine, due to which the color of urine turns orange. 🍊🥦

If any such issues are known, please check up. Consult a doctor for health problems. 💡👩‍⚕️


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