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🌐📅 Do you know how to schedule messages on WhatsApp..?

📱🌐 Various third party apps are available to send messages automatically on WhatsApp. One of these is a third-party app called Skedit. 🌐📱

This app is available on Google Play Store. You can schedule messages by downloading and installing this app. 🔄📅 So here is the step by step process for you how to use this app..

First download SKEDit app from google play store.

Then sign in with your Facebook account.

Then enter your name, email and password to create an account.

Then a verification email will be sent to the email.

After verifying the email click on WhatsApp and grant the necessary permissions to the Skedit app.

After that, if you choose the time you want to send the message and schedule it, the message will go on time.

And you can also select that option if you want to give your permission before sending the scheduled message. 🔄📅 If this is done.. when sending a scheduled message.. it will ask your permission first. 🕰🔔


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