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🛸 Do you know how many times aliens and UFOs have visited India..? 🤔

🌐 Millions of videos are shared on social media every day. Some of these videos surprise us. Aliens and UFOs are often seen in such shocking videos. 🛸👽 Videos of strange figures and objects seen in the sky have surprised netizens. 🌌✨ Based on them seven times Aliens & UFOs have come to India.

👽 Strange Humanoid in Jharkhand.. In 2021 a strange humanoid was captured on video walking the streets of Hazaribagh, Jharkhand. 👽🎥 That video has gone viral on the internet.👾 Strange ring in Delhi sky.. In March 2022, residents of Delhi noticed a black circle in the sky. It looked like a perfect black circle. 🔴👀 👽 Flying saucers in Kongala area.. Locals said they saw flying saucers in Kongala area near the India-China border in Ladakh. Flying saucers in the area have reported sightings of other unidentified flying objects over the years. 🛸🌄 🛸 UFO spotted near Pune.. In 2014, a pilot claimed to have seen a green and white UFO flying at an altitude of about 26,000 feet near Pune. 🛸🚀 👽 Spots strange orange lights in Chennai sky.. According to a report in The Hindu in 2013, locals claimed to see five dots of bright orange light moving from south to north in the Chennai sky. 🛸🍊 🌌 Mysterious light lit up in the sky of Kolkata for three minutes.. In December 2022, a bright mysterious light suddenly lit up in the sky of Kolkata for three minutes. 🔮🕒 🛸 UFO-like lights in Kochi sky In 2014, India Today reported that an arrangement of lights was seen in Kochi's pitch-dark sky. The lights appeared bright red and green. 🛸🌌


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