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📱🌍📈 Do you know how many people use social media around the world? 📈🌍📱

✨Recently, smartphones have come into everyone's hand.📱✨People don't spend a day without using the actual phone, especially social media.

✨Recently, smartphones have come into everyone's hand.📱✨People don't spend a day without using the actual phone, especially social media.🌍💻 There is a situation of spending hours in apps like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram. 4 percent people spend more time on social media. 📈 The study revealed that the number of users has increased by 3.7 percent compared to last year. 📱 Every third person in India is active on social media. 📱 They spend an average of 2 hours and 26 minutes a day on social media.📱🕰️


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