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🧴✨ Do you have these ingredients in your shampoo.. But hair fall is sure!! 😓

🧴 If the shampoo you use contains these ingredients, your hair will definitely fall out. That's why you should check the ingredients printed on shampoos before buying them. 🕵️‍♀

🧴 Parabens: Parabens are used in shampoo. Used to extend shelf life. It not only causes hair loss but also disturbs the hormonal balance. So check the shampoo you use without it. 🧴

🧴 Silicones: 🧖‍♀️ Silicones are used in shampoo to give silkiness and softness to the hair. Hair will look shiny temporarily when used. But the hair gets weaker with use. 💆‍♀️

🧴 Fragrance: 🌸 Most of the shampoos are fragranced. It means that chemicals have been mixed in it. If you use something like this, you will not only get allergies, but your hair will also fall out. 🌹💨

🧴 Formaldehyde: 🧪 Formaldehyde is used as a preservative. It is used to prevent bacteria like diazolidinal urea in shampoo. Its net is thick on the head. Hair also falls out. 🧖‍♂️

🧴 Sulfate: 🧪 Many people know about sulfate. It is used under shampoos. This also gives good lather. But use of sulfates can make hair dry and brittle. The use of shampoos containing sulfates can weaken the hair gradually. Hair also falls out. 💧🦳🌿


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