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🍳🥘 Do not use pressure cooker for these ingredients..🤔👀

🍳🥘 If there is a pressure cooker in the kitchen, it feels like half the cooking is done. The cooker runs out of rice while the curry is cooking. 🍲🕰️

🙅‍♂️🍲 Now let's see for which ingredients you should not use cooker.. 🤔👀

🥛🥛🥛 Dairy products: Recipes involving milk products like milk, curd, buttermilk or ghee should not be cooked in a pressure cooker. 🚫🍶

🍲🍝 Fried ingredients: Do not cook even neems in a pressure cooker. Due to high heat, due to hot oil, food spills. 🚫🌶️

🥦🥒 Pasta, Noodles: Do not cook pasta, noodles in a pressure cooker. 🚫🍝

🥬🥗 Vegetables: Curries take a lot of time to make. A pressure cooker should not be used for this reason. 🚫🥬🕰️

🛑🚫 If used once.. all the nutrients in that curry will be removed, the food consumed becomes useless. ❌🍴


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