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🍲🚫 Do not eat this food in lunch even by mistake..! 🙅‍♂️🍔

🥗🍲 Many people like to eat salad or soup for lunch. 🥣🥗 But eating low-calorie foods, you may feel hungry again and again. 🤢🌶️ That is why such foods should be avoided during lunch time. 🕰️🍴🍛🌙 Many people like to eat biryani made last night. 🍽️🍚 But eating spicy biryani the day before gives stomach ache. 🥵🍛 Spicy food stored for a long time like this can cause stomach problems. 🤯🔥

🍱🍔 Eating sandwich, other fries and packaged food in lunch has a great impact on health. 🍟🍕 Illness problems like bloating and inflammation arise. 🥴💔🥘🍴 Any fruits should not be eaten immediately after meals or before meals as it disturbs digestion. 🚫🤢 It causes indigestion problems. 🙅‍♀️🚫🕛🍛 People want to eat more food because they are more hungry at noon. 🍽️🕰️ Avoid fried food then. 🙏🥦 Eat healthy food. 🥗🍛

🥤🍵 Liquid diet like smoothie, juice, shake will fill your stomach a bit faster. 🥤🍹 But this is not the most important food your body needs for lunch. 🚫🥤🍕🍟 Eating a small slice of pizza will make you feel full. 🍕🍟 But due to this the body does not get the required nutrition. 🤔🍕 Eat proper healthy food every afternoon. 🍽️🥗


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