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🗣️🏛️💬 Debate in Lok Sabha on Infidelity.. 🗣️🏛️💬

The Lok Sabha debate started on the motion of no confidence passed by the Congress and BRS parties against the NDA government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. This discussion will be held for three days from today.

The speaker allocated time for discussion for a total of 16 hours. The speaker allotted speaking time to the respective parties according to the numerical strength of the parties in the Lok Sabha. The speaker allotted 6 hours and 41 minutes time to speak to the BJP members who have more strength in numbers. One hour and 41 minutes have been allotted to the Congress party. The ruling parties of Telugu states also got an opportunity to participate in this discussion. Speaker allotted 29 minutes to AP ruling party YCP and 12 minutes to BRS party. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will answer after the discussion. 🙏👥🗣️


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