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Counting in 49 centers across the state.. starting from 8 o'clock.. 🗳️🕗

It has been revealed that polling has ended peacefully across Telangana. 3 crore 26 lakh votes have been cast and women's votes are more than men's. 👫👭

Polling center has been set up even if there are 10 people in Devarakadra. 🏫 He said that EVMs were exchanged in many polling centers. 🚪🔐 Scrutiny on polling will be done from Friday morning. ⏰ There will be three levels of security in the counting centers.. 40 central company forces are under security at the strong rooms. 🏢🛡️ In some polling centers, high turnout has been recorded. 📋

Even after counting, EVMs will be counted twice. 🔍 Each round takes time. Counting will begin with postal ballots at 8 am. Counting of EVMs will be from 8.30 minutes.. There will be 5 people for each table.. They are fully preparing for counting. 📊✨

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