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Congress silent on alliances.. 🤫🔍

It seems that Tea Congress is acting strategically in terms of alliances. In the last assembly elections, the Congress formed an alliance. But, the results that followed caused irreparable damage to the Congress.

With this, Hastam party is maintaining silence on the issue of alliance so that this does not happen again. If we take a step down, CPI, CPM, TJA and BSP parties are ready to ally with Congress. But Congress is not giving a chance to those parties. If the Congress is ready for an alliance, the majority of the seats won by the party should be given to the allied parties as part of the alliance.

However, the other parties along with the Left parties are not ready for an alliance with the Congress unless they take a step forward and accept the decision of the Congress. This resulted in a stalemate regarding the alliance. However, it is reported that the senior leaders are of the opinion that the party has the responsibility to ensure that the alliance does not get into a bad situation.. 😐🤔

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