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🌍🌡️Climate changes.Danger ahead.🌊

🌡️🌍🔥 Global warming.. 🌊🌍🔄 Climate changes.. It is not limited to any one region on the globe. 🌍🔭 The whole world is seeing the effects of climate change. The continent of Europe experienced record high temperatures last summer.

🌨️❄️ North and South Poles are also melting which are covered by kilometers thick ice along with glacier rivers. Unbearable hailstorms (hot winds) have increased. 🌬️🌀 Immediately after that, heavy rains created unexpected production. ☔🌧️ Especially on the Indian subcontinent, these climate changes are affecting the economy of the entire country. 🌱🌏 While most parts of the country received above average rainfall in July this year, some parts did not receive a drop of water. ☂️🌧️


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